Why Functional Programming Matters

Paper by John Hughes

Presented by Andrew Sinclair


John Hughes





No Relation...

Why FP Matters?


What is "Structured" software?

Easy to write

Easy to debug


Emphasis on Modularity

Functional provides two glues:

Higher-order functions

Lazy evaluation

What is NOT in FP



Flow of control

Glue #1 - Higher Order Functions

The Cons List

listof * ::= Nil | Cons * (listof *)
Cons 42 (Cons 69 (Cons 613 Nil))

Summation Function

sum Nil = 0
sum (Cons n list) = n + sum list

In general... foldr

(foldr f x) Nil = x
(foldr f x) (Cons a l) = f a ((foldr f x) l)


product = foldr (*) 1
anytrue = foldr (V) False
alltrue = foldr (^) True

Double Function

doubleall = foldr doubleandcons Nil
doubleandcons n list = Cons (2 * n) list

Notation - Composition

(f . g) h = f (g h)

Generalizing... fandcons

doubleandcons = fandcons double
double n = 2 * n
fandcons f el list = Cons (f el) list


fandcons f = Cons . f

In general... map

doubleall = foldr (Cons . double) Nil
doubleall = map double

giving us:

map f = foldr (Cons . f) Nil

Example of Map - Sum matrix

summatrix = sum . map sum

Not just lists... Trees!

treeof * ::= Node * (listof (treeof *))


foldtree f g a (Node label subtrees) =
                         f label (foldtree f g a subtrees)
foldtree f g a (Cons subtree rest) =
                         g (foldtree f g a subtree) (foldtree f g a rest)
foldtree f g a Nil = a

Example - foldtree

sumtree = foldtree (+) (+) 0


maptree f = foldtree (Node . f) Cons Nil

Glue #2 - Lazy evaluation

Compose programs

f and g

(g . f) input
g (f input)

What if f is non-terminating?

What if f is non-terminating?

Procedural → Infinite loop :(

Functional → Lazy evaluation :D

Is Lazy good for non-fp?

No, because side-effects

Example - Newton-Raphson SQRT

ai+1 = (ai + n/ai)/2

If approximations converge,

a = sqrt(n)

Infinite sequence of approx.

next n x = (x + n/x) / 2
repeat f a = Cons a (repeat f (f a))
repeat (next n) a0

Filter the list of approx.

within eps (Cons a (Cons b rest))
 = b,                             if abs(a - b) <= eps
 = within eps (Cons b rest),      otherwise

Compose them together

sqrt a0 eps n = within eps (repeat (next n) a0)

Additional Examples - Omitted

Numerical Differentiation

Numerical Integration

Alpha-Beta Heuristic Algorithm

An example on refactoring

Alpha-Beta - What is it?

Alpha-Beta - Step 1

// Assume moves takes current state and returns all next states
// Assume static takes a position and calculates a number

reptree f a = Node a (map (reptree f) (f a))
gametree p = reptree moves p

maximize (Node n Nil) = n
maximize (Node n sub) = max (map minimize sub)
minimize (Node n Nil) = n
minimize (Node n sub) = max (map maximize sub)

// this doesn't work on infinite trees...
evaluate = maximize . maptree static . gametree

Alpha-Beta - Step 2

prune 0 (Node a x) = Node a Nil
prune (n + 1) (Node a x) = Node a (map (prune n) x)

// this will prune the search to depth 5
evaluate = maximize . maptree static . prune 5 . gametree

Alpha-Beta - Step 3

//Suppose we refactor maximize and minimize:
minleq Nil pot = False
minleq (Cons n rest) pot = True,             if n <= pot
                         = minleq rest pot,  otherwise
omit pot Nil = Nil
omit pot (Cons nums rest)
  = omit post rest,                          if minleq nums pot
  = Cons (min nums) (omit (min nums) rest),  otherwise
mapmin (Cons nums rest) = Cons (min nums (omit (min nums) rest)
maximize' (Node n Nil) = Cons n Nil
maximize' (Node n l) = mapmin (map minimize' l)

// This will ignore branches smaller than potential minima
evaluate = max . maximize' . maptree static . prune 8 . gametree

Alpha-Beta - Step 4

//Assume sort and not are defined.
highfirst (Node n sub) = Node n (sort higher (map lowfirst sub))
lowfirst (Node n sub) = Node n (sort (not . higher) (map highfirst sub))
higher (Node n1 sub1)(Node n2 sub2) = n1 > n2

//This prioritizes branch expansion:
evaluate = max . maximize' . highfirst . maptree static . prune 8 . gametree

Conclusions by Hughes

Modularity is key

Gluing solutions > scope rules

Conclusions by Andrew


Immutable Data

Pattern Matching

Easier to learn

Your turn!





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